CI/CD with Behaviour Driven Development (BDD)

Thu Mar 03 202218 min read


The aim of this white paper is to demonstrate automated CI/CD with BDD and TDD.

We will try to replicate GitHub User Search as our product feature

Sample BDD Wireframe

We will use Jira as our Project Management Tool.

Sample BDD Jira Project

Preparing for Development

Before we can adopt BDD and TDD and be fully agile, it is very important that we have the right infrastructure in place. Jira helps us take care of the project management part of it.

For the technical aspect we will leverage GitLab as our git provider, CI Runner and CD agent.

Sample BDD Project

Initial Project Setup

Setup Base Project

The Next step is to set up the base project for development. To keep things simple we will use Create React App to bootstrap our project. We will use TypeScript as the template.

As we will deploying our Infrastructure as Code (IAC), we would like to keep both app and infra code next to each other. Separate your app code under webapp.

cd sample-bdd

create-react-app webapp --template typescript

cd webapp

If everything is set up, on running yarn dev you should see the sample page.

Create React App Landing Page

Push your code to GitLab.

Setup GitLab CI

The Next step is to set up GitLab CI. As part of this step, we would like to keep it simple.

Add .gitlab-ci.yml to the root of your project.

Add these few lines to make sure Pipelines are working.

  stage: build
    - echo "Hello, $GITLAB_USER_LOGIN!"

If everything goes well, you should see the job running successfully on code push.

Gitlab CI First Run

Setup Unit Test Pipeline

The Next step is to set up build and unit tests pipeline. We will use Node 14 Docker image for our pipeline.

Now our .gitlab-ci.yml should look like

  image: mhart/alpine-node:14

  stage: build
    - cd webapp
    - yarn
    - yarn build

  stage: test
    - cd webapp
    - yarn
    - yarn test:ci

And after pushing, it should run the pipeline.

Gitlab CI with Unit Tests

Setting up Integration Tests Pipeline

The next step is to set up Integration Tests. We will use Cypress for running our Integration tests.

Setting up Integration Test Project

mkdir integration

cd integration

yarn init

Setting up Cypress

yarn add cypress --dev

This will add cypress to the project.

Now to set up the cypress folders, we need to launch cypress. Add a script in package.json to open cypress.

yarn cypress:open

This will set up all required files. Delete the examples folder under integration

Setting up your first Integration Test and adding to pipeline

Now we can add sample.spec.js to open the webapp endpoint and make sure it is available.

We will add some additional scripts to make sure we can run Cypress in CI mode.

"scripts": {
    "cypress:open": "cypress open",
    "cypress:run": "cypress run",
    "serve:webapp": "serve -l 3000 -s ../webapp/build",
    "run:integration:ci": "start-server-and-test serve:webapp http-get://localhost:3000 cypress:run"

Also, we will now make sure our build step saves the artifact, and we can pick it up in while running our integration tests.

Our .gitlab-ci.yml should look like this now,

  image: cypress/browsers:node14.15.0-chrome86-ff82

  stage: build
    - cd webapp
    - yarn
    - yarn build
    - webapp/build/**/*
    expire_in: 1 week

  stage: test
    - cd webapp
    - yarn
    - yarn test:ci

  stage: test
    - cd integration
    - yarn
    - yarn run:integration:ci

After, pushing code, we should see our pipeline running Build and tests

Gitlab CI Integration Tests

Setup E2E Test Pipeline

The Next step is to set up E2E Tests for the project. We can create both Integration and E2E under the same project, but it is better to separate the projects as most probably different teams will be working on each of them (Developers on Integration and QA on E2E)

The setup process is the same, except the naming. At the end of it we should see Test Step running all the three pipelines.

Gitlab CI End-to-End Tests

Setup Infra Project and Automate Infra Provision on Pipeline

Now we have our application building, unit tests running, integration and e2e tests in place. Now we would like to automate our deployment.

We would like to automate our Infrastructure creation as well so that we can deploy anywhere !!!

Setting up infra

First install aws-cdk globally

yarn global add aws-cdk

Now let’s create the project and set up the project.

mkdir infra

cd infra

cdk init app --language typescript

Adding Deployment Stack

As we are building a static site, the best and easiest way to host it on Amazon S3 fronted by Cloudfront.

We want the S3 bucket to be private and only allow users to reach our site through Cloudfront.

To start our stack, create lib/infra-service.ts

  1. Create our Bucket
// Prepare Web App Deployment bucket
    const webAppBucket = new Bucket(this, 'sample-bdd-webapp', {
      blockPublicAccess: BlockPublicAccess.BLOCK_ALL,
      removalPolicy: core.RemovalPolicy.DESTROY,
      autoDeleteObjects: true,
      websiteIndexDocument: 'index.html',

    new core.CfnOutput(this, '_WebApp-Bucket_', { value: webAppBucket.bucketName });
  1. Create Cloudfront Origin Access Identity, which will be used to access S3
// Prepare Web App Cloudfront OAI
    const webAppOAI = new OriginAccessIdentity(this, 'webapp-oai', { 
      comment: 'WebApp OAI'

    // Allow read to Web App Cloudfront OAI
  1. Prepare your Cloudfront Distro
// Prepare Web App Cloudfront distro
    const webAppDistro = new CloudFrontWebDistribution(this, 'web-app-cf-distro', {
      originConfigs: [{
        behaviors: [{ isDefaultBehavior: true }],
        s3OriginSource: {
          s3BucketSource: webAppBucket,
          originAccessIdentity: webAppOAI,
      errorConfigurations: [{
        errorCode: 404,
        responseCode: 200,
        responsePagePath: '/index.html'

    new core.CfnOutput(this, '_WebApp-Distro-Id_', { value: webAppDistro.distributionId });
    new core.CfnOutput(this, '_WepApp-Distro-Domain-Name_', { value: webAppDistro.distributionDomainName });
  1. And upload your content to S3 Bucket
// Deploy Web App Build Contents
    new BucketDeployment(this, 'WebAppOtherFiles', {
      sources: [Source.asset('../webapp/build/', { exclude: ['index.html'] })],
      destinationBucket: webAppBucket,
      cacheControl: [CacheControl.fromString('max-age=31536000,public,immutable')],
      prune: false,

    new BucketDeployment(this, 'WebAppIndexFile', {
      sources: [Source.asset('../webapp/build/', { exclude: ['*', '!index.html'] })],
      destinationBucket: webAppBucket,
      cacheControl: [CacheControl.fromString('max-age=0,no-cache,no-store,must-revalidate')],
      prune: false,
      distribution: webAppDistro, // Invalidate the Cloudfront Cache
      distributionPaths: ['/*'],
  1. Initialise your stack in the construct
    new GithubSearchSampleInfraService(this, 'SampleBDDApp');

Adding AWS Credentials to your Pipeline Variables

Before we add the command to automate our infrastructure deployment, we need to add AWS credentials to the pipeline.


Gitlab CI Variables

Adding Deployment details to pipeline

Finally, we can add the deployment to our .gitlab-ci.yml

  stage: deploy
    - cd infra
    - yarn global add aws-cdk
    - yarn
    - cdk synth
    - cdk bootstrap
    - cdk deploy --ci --require-approval never

After pushing code to GitLab, we should see our deployment running successfully

Gitlab Deploy Step

Gitlab Deploy Logs

In the console we can see the deployment url

Deployment First Look

Yayyy !!! We can see our app on browser now.

We are slowly reaching there now emoji-grinning

Continuous Deploy project on Merge Request

Now the final part of the requirement is to make sure 2 things happen

  1. Pipeline is only run when a Merge Request is created or updated
  2. MR should run build and tests, but NO Deployments
  3. When the merge requests are merged into master, deployments should happen

So we need to add additional conditions to our .gitlab-ci.yml

Which will look like this

  image: cypress/browsers:node14.15.0-chrome86-ff82

.only-default: &only-default
    - master
    - merge_requests
    - tags

  <<: *only-default
  stage: build
    - cd webapp
    - yarn
    - yarn build
    - webapp/build/**/*
    expire_in: 1 week

  <<: *only-default
  stage: test
    - cd webapp
    - yarn
    - yarn test:ci
    - webapp/build/**/*
    expire_in: 1 week

  <<: *only-default
  stage: test
    - cd integration
    - yarn
    - yarn run:integration:ci
    - cypress/videos/**/*
    expire_in: 1 week

  <<: *only-default
  stage: test
    - cd e2e
    - yarn
    - yarn run:e2e:ci
    - cypress/videos/**/*
    expire_in: 1 week

  stage: deploy
    - cd infra
    - yarn global add aws-cdk
    - yarn
    - cdk synth
    - cdk bootstrap
    - cdk deploy --ci --require-approval never
    - master

Now when the MR is raised

Merge Request on Gitlab

Merge Request Pipeline

When the Merge Request is merged, Deployment happens on master

Merge Request on Merge Pipeline

Now if we refresh our website, we should see our changes

Deployment after MR merge

Sweet now our CI/CD is all setup. We are good to start feature development !!!

Feature Development

First Story

So our first story will be to show correct Page Title and Heading

Now, using the BDD approach we would like to define the behaviour.

Feature: Page Headings

User should see the correct Page Headings

Breaking it down into behaviours

Behaviour 1: Page Title should be - GitHub User Search

Given a user lands on the home page

Then the Browser Page Title should be - GitHub User Search

Behaviour 2: Page Main Heading should be - GitHub User Search

Given that a user lands on the home page

Then the page Top Heading should be - GitHub User Search

And the tag should be h1

How do we define the behaviours

There is no set rules for defining behaviours. It is more up to the team to figure out what works for them.

They can be as granular as these or could be broad as well.

But the whole point of doing BDD is to make our application ready for TDD (Test Driven Development)

The better the scenarios are written, the better are the tests. The goal is to make sure we have captured all scenarios (including corner cases) upfront, so that when we develop software we know exactly what our software is expected to do.

With our first 2 scenarios in place, lets start coding :slight_smile:

Starting TDD

Writing Failing E2E Tests

Once we have broken down the story into BDD scenarios, the first step is to write failing tests. There are 2 approaches on how to do this, which we will discuss later. For this illustration, we expect developers are maintaining both E2E and Integration tests.

So we start with creating a new spec

Now, the best part of BDD, your test cases are already written !!!

So our first scenario looks like

describe('Github User Search', () => {
  it('A user lands on the home page', () => {

  it('the Browser Page Title should be - GitHub User Search', () => {
    cy.title().should('eq', 'GitHub User Search')

Now when we run E2E suite we should see failed tests (RED Phase)

Failing E2E Test

Writing Failing Integration Tests

Next step is to write our failing integration tests

describe('Github User Search', () => {
  it('A user lands on the home page', () => {

  it('the Browser Page Title should be - GitHub User Search', () => {
    cy.title().should('eq', 'GitHub User Search')
Why am I writing the same tests twice?

Some of you may wonder why am I writing the same tests twice?

Good question. We should remember that even though E2E and Integration tests may reside in the same code base, the functionality they test are very different.

Integration tests are for testing the system as a whole without leaving the system boundary. Which means all external interactions are mocked in an integration test (like API call)

E2E tests are for testing the whole software from an end user perspective. Which means we will actually test how the system interacts with external services.

The difference will become clearer when we will introduce API calls. So even though some tests may look similar they are meant for testing a different level of the test pyramid.

Failing Integration Test

Adding Code to make tests pass

Passing Integration Test

Releasing our changes

Now we have completed our first task for the story, lets leverage our CI/CD to push changes, so everyone can see our awesome work !!!

Raising a Merge Request

Raising Title Change Merge Request

Title Change Merge Request Pipeline

Merging our Merge Request

Title Change Merge Request Deployment

Changes immediately visible to all stakeholders

Title Change visible on website

Congratulations you have released your first BDD scenario using TDD and automated CI/CD emoji-tada

Continuing with our stories, we will keep implementing each scenario and pushing our changes to master.

So the second scenario

Given that a user lands on the home page

Then the page Top Heading should be - GitHub User Search

And the tag should be h1

Looks like

Heading Change visible

Remaining Stories

Feature: Search Bar

Adding Search Bar for user input

Scenario 1: Should see default placeholder

Given that the user is on the landing page

When the user has NOT focused on the search input

Then the user must see the default placeholder - Type Username

Scenario 2: Should be able to type username in the search box

Given that the user is on the landing page

When the user has focused on the search input

Then the user must be able to type a username for search

Search Box Implemented

Feature: Perform User Search

Searching for user using GitHub API

Scenario 1: Should perform search when user add search text and hits enter

Given that the user is on the landing page

When the user enters text in the search field and hits Enter key

Then the GitHub API should be called with the username

And the status should show as In Progress

Scenario 2: Should not search if the search text is empty

Given that user is on the landing page

When the user focuses on the search field and hits the Enter key WITHOUT adding any text

Then the GitHub API should NOT be called

Scenario 3: Should display search results count after search

Given that the user is on the landing page

And enters the username and hits Enter Key

When the GitHub API returns results

Then the Count of total results should be displayed as - X Results Found

Scenario 4: Should display 0 results if no results found

Given that the user is on the landing page

And enters the username and hits Enter Key

When the GitHub API returns NO results

Then the Count of total results should be displayed as - 0 Results Found

Scenario 5: Should display error message if search fails

Given that the user is on the landing page

And enters the username and hits Enter Key

When the GitHub API returns ERROR

Then the Count of total results should NOT be displayed

And Error Message - Failed to search User - should be displayed in RED

Search Implemented

Feature: Display Search results from API

Displaying the actual results from the API

Scenario 1: Should display user image and user name per result row

Given that the user has initiated a search

When the GitHub API returns >0 Results

Then individual result must be displayed in a row

And it must contain the User Image

And the username

Scenario 2: Should not display anything if nothing is found

Given that the user has initiated a search

When the GitHub API returns 0 Results

Then NO Rows must be displayed

And must display message - No Results Found

Final Output

Web App

Final Web App

Unit Tests

Final Unit Tests

Integration Tests

Final Integration Tests

End-to-End Tests

Final End to End Tests

Continuous Integration and Delivery Models

There are 2 ways of managing CI/CD

Developers only Team (No Dedicated QA Team)

Delivery Model - Devs only

This one is similar to our example.

This is applicable to teams where developers are expected to manage E2E scenarios. There is NO dedicated QA team.

  • One Master Branch for the product
  • Every feature / scenario is worked on feature branch
  • Developer adds Integration and E2E tests
  • Every Merge Request runs the complete test suite (Unit, Integration and E2E Tests) which takes of Regression as well
  • If Tests pass, on merge, Feature is released to Production

Developers and Dedicated QA Teams

Delivery Model - Dev and QA team

When there is a dedicated QA Team / role , the process is a bit different.

Now we can offload the E2E tests to QA team. Developers are still responsible for Unit and Integration Tests.

  • There are 2 main branches - Development and Master
  • Development → QA Environment
  • Master → Production
  • Developer creates a Feature branch from Development
  • Completes the feature and adds Integration and Unit tests
  • On Merge to Development, All Integration, Unit and E2E tests are run.
  • E2E tests are run on Development to test regression
  • If Tests pass, on merge to Development, changes are released to QA Environment
  • QA Team creates a Test Branch from Development
  • QA team adds their E2E and Load Tests
  • On Merge Request on Master, All E2E and Load Tests are run
  • If Tests pass, On Merge to Master, changes are released to Production.

Hope this practical guide for Behaviour driven development (BDD) with Continuous Integration and Delivery (CI/CD) was helpful, and you can implement it in your next project.





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